Woodshed Gallery Exhibitions | Kris Occhino Watercolors

2011-02-20 2

http://www.WoodshedGallery.com Kris Occhino is a featured artist at The Woodshed Gallery in Franklin Massachusetts. In this video she introduces her watercolor paintings of coastal Rhode Island, Massachusetts and other New England scenes.

Kris Occhino speiali zes in watercolor painting, and is the Gallery Director of The Rhode Island watercolor Society in Pawtucket, RI.

This video was created in February 2011 by Bruce Wood for The Woodshed Gallery's ongoing program of promoting local and regional fine artists.

The Woodshed's professional gallery setting is designed to showcase art inj a simple and sophisticated manner. It has been compared to the best exhibition spaces in Boston.

The Woodshed Gallery was founded by professional artist Angelina Wood in 1968, and continues to be a family-run business. They specialize in conservation picture framing and the exhibition of original fine art. The Woodshed Gallery also shows a selection of hand-crafted jewelry & gift items.